- Thursday
- January 23rd, 2025
A. Needs The best one word definition of a need is a deficiency. In the homeostatic sense, needs are created whenever there is a physiological or psychological imbalance. B. Drives With a few exceptions drives or motives are set up...
Basic Characteristics of Employee Motivation are as follows: Effort. This refers to the strength of a person's work-related behavior. Persistence. This refers to the persistence that individual’s exhibit in applying effort to their work tasks. Direction. This refers to the...
Main Objectives of Employee Motivation are as follows : The purpose of motivation is to create condition in which people are willing to work with zeal, initiative. Interest, and enthusiasm, with a high personal and group moral satisfaction with a...
Traditionally it is believed that employees are motivated by the opportunity to make as such money as possible and will act rationally to maximize their earnings. The assumption is that money, because what it can buy, is the most important...
Motivation can have an effect on the output of your business and concerns both quantity and quality. See it this way: your business relies heavily on the efficiency of your production staff to make sure that products are manufactured in...