The scope of employee Welfare cannot be limited, since it differs according to social customs and the degree of industrialization indifferent countries and at different times. They have to be…

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Labour Welfare aims at the whole development of the person of the working class. The Labour Welfare Policies of any organization should keep in mind the following objectives: To increase…

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Many Non statutory welfare schemes may include the following schemes: Personal Health Care (Regular medical check-ups): Many businesses have facilities for comprehensive safety inspections Flexi-time: The primary purpose of the…

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The statutory welfare schemes include the following provisions: Drinking Water: At all the working places safe hygienic drinking water should be provided. Facilities for sitting: In every organization, especially factories,…

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This article is on HRM or Human Resource Management in an Organization. Employees are the organization's main assets. HRM or Human Resource Management focuses on hiring, training, managing, analyzing performance…

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Defining a grievance is very difficult. However, personnel experts have tried to differentiate between dissatisfaction, complaint, and grievance. In general, dissatisfaction in any form declared orally between employees is known…

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Without an analysis of their nature and pattern, the causes of employee dissatisfaction cannot be removed. The personnel administrator of an organization should go into the details of the grievances…

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Methods of resolving grievance can be divided in to two parts: Decisional Processes: Binding Decisions Non-Decisional (Collaborative) Processes: Managed Negotiations Decisional Processes: Binding Decisions The dispute resolver makes a ruling,…

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